Legal Notice


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name of the person responsible for publication: Jean-François COLLIN
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OVH – 2 rue Kellermann
59 100 Roubaix
la France

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Publisher: CB TRADING

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In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of 6 January 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you. You can exercise this right via our contact form.
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Even when shipped free, our goods always travel at the risk of the recipient. Any delay in payment shall be automatically enforceable and without any formal notice being required for the payment of late fees on the basis of the ECB rate plus ten (10) points and the payment of a lump sum recovery of an amount of 40 Euros – law n ° 2012-387 and article L441-6 of the French Commercial Code. These penalties are payable on request. In case of dispute between our suppliers, customers and us, the difference will be, express agreement, decided by the sole jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Toulouse. Our treaties do not operate novation nor derogation from clauses attributive of jurisdiction. The material can not be taken back or exchanged.

These net unit prices excluding taxes are calculated on the basis of the supplier tariff in effect today and may be revised according to the rate applicable on the day of delivery. They agree on all the references and quantities indicated in complete hirings.

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